
Showing posts from June, 2019

Media training 101 for small businesses

Great news: you just scored a big press interview to promote your business. The story will expose your brand to the perfect new audience and drive meaningful traffic to your website. So…don't blow it. Yes, just as quickly as the excitement for the opportunity arrived, the realization that you now have to do an interview sets in. I get it—press interviews can absolutely be intimidating. The resulting coverage represents a significant opportunity to acquire new customers, drive sales, or raise awareness, and you want to be sure to represent your brand well and really compel the audience to check out your company. On top of that, you have to contend with adrenaline and nerves in the moment. You may be thinking, "So many other business owners are so polished and articulate in their interviews. How am I going to pull that off?" Deep breath. A successful interview is usually the result of good media training: preparation and practice in advance of an interview. I've tr

How to Use RSS Feeds to Boost Your Productivity

A few weeks ago, I was scrolling through Twitter and came across this post: I was confused—RSS hasn't disappeared. I use it every single day. It's an integral part of my workflow that helps me stay up to date with news, come up with new ideas for content, gather sources to cite in my posts, and keep my inbox clean. But the 300+ likes on this post and a subsequent Twitter search for "bring back RSS" that resulted in dozens of Tweets showed me that RSS is underutilized. If you think RSS died when Google Reader shut down—or if you're unaware, or only vaguely aware, of how to use RSS feeds—this guide is for you. What is RSS? An RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed is an online file that contains details about every piece of content a site has published. Each time a site publishes a new piece of content, details about that content—including the full-text of the content or a summary, publication date, author, link, etc.—are automatically generated in the file and d

Project Management Software Showdown: Monday vs. Asana

To help us manage our daily tasks, deadlines, and projects, we have the luxury of turning to project management software rather than Post-it Notes or endless email threads. The demand for project management tools is high, with heavyweights like Microsoft, Atlassian, and Basecamp often dominating the conversation. But there are two other players worth considering for their ease of use, task management features, and third-party integrations: Asana and Monday. Here's how they stack up. Common Features and What We Looked For Asana and Monday offer multiple ways to streamline your projects, from jumpstarting your work with templates to centralizing team communication. But the two apps offer different experiences in terms of user interface, work visualization, and enterprise-level features. The best app for you will depend on the complexity of your project and how many people you're collaborating with. Here are six features we'll be comparing to help you make your choice. C

Automate Airbnb and Other Property Management Workflows with Zapier

Summer rental season is in full force: Families are taking their summer vacations, millennials are looking for their next adventure, and couples are booking their yearly getaway. As an Airbnb host, it's an exciting time, but it's also overwhelming. The more you can automate, the better. Hosts all over the globe are trying to automate the most tedious tasks involved in managing their properties. In fact, we've had almost 2,000 people ask us to automate their Airbnb workflows . But until Airbnb—and other companies like VRBO, HomeAway, HotelTonight, Lodgable, Wheelhouse, and Jobber—integrate with Zapier, we can still help you automate your property management. Here are some tips on how to automate your Airbnb and other property management workflows, saving you time and creating a better experience for both you and your guests. 1. Send yourself automatic reminders You'll get an email and SMS every time you have a new booking request or confirmation, but what if you wa


The post IK TU – ZEB BANGASH AND SAAD SULTAN FT ZEB BANGASH appeared first on ARY Films . from ARY Films

Team Chat Showdown: Slack vs. Discord

The current team chat landscape is truly a tale of two tools: Slack and Discord . Slack has been the go-to team communication platform for years, while Discord is most known for its voice communication, providing a non-interruptive experience that has been embraced by the gaming community. So is Slack for work and Discord for gaming? Or is there more to it than that? To answer this question, we're taking a closer look at these two tools to see how they compare. Common Features and What We Looked For Discord and Slack have a lot in common—especially on the surface. But when you peel back the layers, you can see that each platform is tailored to specific use cases. We're comparing Slack and Discord on four main criteria. Click on any of the sections below, or jump to our comparison table for a summary. Price Text communication Voice and video communication Integrations Price Discord's free plan has fewer limitations than Slack's. The free Discord plan provi

The Guilt-Free Way to Take Time Off from Work

The benefits of paid leave —for employers and employees alike—are well-documented, but even if your employer has a generous leave policy, it's not always easy to take advantage of it. Whether you're planning extended parental leave or a just a week-long vacation, you may feel guilty about leaving your coworkers to pick up the slack. You may stress about everything you'll have to catch up on when you come back. Or, for longer absences, you may worry that your career progression will stagnate while you're gone. But with the right preparation, you can feel confident about how things will flow while you're out and be sure the transition back is smooth. Preparing for Parental Leave or Extended Vacation The good news about taking maternity leave, paternity leave, or vacation time is that you generally know ahead of time when you'll be out and for how long. You can prepare your supervisor, coworkers, and temporary replacement (if you'll have one) for your abse

How to Automatically Manage Marketing Projects with Coda and Zapier

When you run large scale projects, organization is key to success. An organized project means that the folks working on it understand where certain pieces of information live and how to find and interpret them. Plus, it allows the project organizer to express clear and defined goals for the team to rally around. Often, mission critical documents live in hard-to-search apps, spread out across different folders and even different tools. You can link to important folders and documents within another file, but once you're in the right place, the app might not offer the features you need—and you're back to the drawing board. This makes organization a bit like herding velociraptors. For Fred Castagnac and Sean Kennedy, product marketing managers at Zapier, this situation is all too familiar. As a completely remote company, Zapier's team works together across the globe; Fred lives in France while Sean's in Canada, and their coworkers live in many disparate time zones. Organi

Gangster Guriya | Baaji | ARY Films

The post Gangster Guriya | Baaji | ARY Films appeared first on ARY Films . from ARY Films

Khilti Kali | Baaji | Taha Malik ft. Zeb Bangash

The post Khilti Kali | Baaji | Taha Malik ft. Zeb Bangash appeared first on ARY Films . from ARY Films


The post BADLAAN | BAAJI | ZEB BANGASH & SAAD SULTAN ft. ZEB BANGASH appeared first on ARY Films . from ARY Films

What Is Your Time Really Worth?

It's rare for companies to pay freelance writers by the hour; instead, you're typically paid a per-piece or per-word rate. If you estimate poorly , you can end up earning a much lower hourly rate than you anticipated. So I spend a lot of time calculating what I earn per hour to make sure I'm generating a reasonable income. What I've learned through this process is the benefit of thinking of all of your time in terms of hourly rates. It can make a lot of decisions easier: Should you take the train or drive? Hire someone to paint your house or do it yourself? Order through Uber Eats or pick up take-out? Hire a virtual assistant or do the work yourself? Invest in a new tool or do the work manually? Asking yourself, "Is this worth my time?"—and answering that question with hard data—can help you make better decisions about how you spend your time, both at home and at work. Determining What Your Personal Time is Worth If you're eligible for overtime and l

7 Creative Ways to Visualize Your To-Do List

A long to-do list can be overwhelming. Sometimes, you might want to take a step back and look at the day, week, or month at a high-level, visualizing what's coming up rather than just plowing through a list of to-dos. But that's not always possible with a traditional to-do list app that's text- and list-based. If you're craving something more colorful and creative—or something that gives you a higher-level view of what you have on your plate—a visual to-do list could be exactly what you need. Below, you'll find seven different ways to visualize your to-do list, along with details on when each approach is most useful. 1. Hang Your To-Do List on the Wall to Keep Tasks Top-of-Mind I'm really bad about creating to-do lists and then never actually using them. For example, I have a to-do label in Gmail. When I get an email with something I'd like to take action on—but that isn't terribly pressing—I assign the to-do label to the email to get it out of my in