
Showing posts from January, 2019

Media training 101 for small businesses

Great news: you just scored a big press interview to promote your business. The story will expose your brand to the perfect new audience and drive meaningful traffic to your website. So…don't blow it. Yes, just as quickly as the excitement for the opportunity arrived, the realization that you now have to do an interview sets in. I get it—press interviews can absolutely be intimidating. The resulting coverage represents a significant opportunity to acquire new customers, drive sales, or raise awareness, and you want to be sure to represent your brand well and really compel the audience to check out your company. On top of that, you have to contend with adrenaline and nerves in the moment. You may be thinking, "So many other business owners are so polished and articulate in their interviews. How am I going to pull that off?" Deep breath. A successful interview is usually the result of good media training: preparation and practice in advance of an interview. I've tr

The Best To Do List Apps for Mac

To do lists don't need to be complicated–some people use pen and paper for the job, after all. And yet there are seemingly infinite to do list apps out there. Why? Because keeping track of and organizing your tasks is an intensely personal thing, and everyone wants to do it a little differently. This makes designing a to do list incredibly difficult: it's impossible to offer one design that makes everyone happy. And it's particularly hard to make Mac users happy. They, perhaps more than users of any other platform, are picky and expect things to look and work a certain way. Applications that don't feel like they were designed for macOS are distracting because things like keyboard shortcuts, notifications, and menus don't work the way they do in other applications. That disrupts your workflow, which defeats the entire point of productivity software. We thought about all of these things while we tested every macOS to do list application we could get our hands on. T

How to Search in Trello

Trello is a great place to store and organize just about anything , but all of those cards add up quickly. How are you supposed to find anything? By searching. Trello’s search functionality seems limited at first, but dig in and you’ll find all sorts of power just below the surface. Here’s how to find that power–and then find whatever card it is you’re looking for. Getting Started With Search, Quickly You probably know you can start a search by clicking the search bar. But did you know you can also use a keyboard shortcut ? Just press / and search will open right away. Now you can start typing. Need more precision? Let's dig in. Trello's Search Operators You know how Google Search offers operators that help narrow down search queries ? Trello does something similar, allowing you to use certain characters to search for specific cards. Learn these and your searches will be a lot faster. @ - Use the @ sign before a name to find cards assigned to a specific member. Tre

How to Automatically Upload to Dropbox

You probably know the Dropbox desktop app can automatically sync any file you add, but did you know Dropbox can also automatically grab photos from your phone, tablet, or camera? Here's how to do that, and how to automatically upload Gmail attachments, Instagram photos, and files from 1,000+ other apps. Automatically Upload Photos From Your Phone or Camera Your phone, your camera, your tablet—it can be hard to keep track of all of your photos and videos. Dropbox can automatically upload media from all of these devices, allowing you to organize and share them from one place. And setting it up isn't hard. Automatically Upload Photos, Videos, and Screenshots to your Computer Dropbox can automatically grab photos and videos every time you plug in your camera. First, click the Dropbox icon in your system tray or menu bar. In the window that pops up, click the gear icon at top-right, then click Preferences . Here's how this looks on macOS (Windows is similar): In the Prefe

How to Use Selective Sync in Dropbox

Dropbox, by default, syncs everything in your Dropbox to all of your computers. There are reasons you might not want that: You could have limited bandwidth, for example, or limited hard drive space. Here's how to choose which Dropbox files sync to your computer and which do not. First, find the Dropbox icon in your system tray or menu bar. Click it, and a window will pop up. Here's how that looks on Windows: Click the gear at top-right, then click Preferences . This will open the Preferences window. Click the Sync tab, then the Selective Sync button. A new window will open allowing you to choose which files should and shouldn't sync to your computer. Simply uncheck any files or folders you don't want to be synced to your computer. Dropbox will delete them from your computer and not sync over any future changes to them. These files will still be in your Dropbox, however, meaning you can find them using the web or mobile version of Dropbox. Do you have multipl

Free Writing Software: 15 Tools to Help You Create Better Content, Faster

Whether you're trying to weave together a jumble of ideas, fix split infinitives, or nail down that hard-to-think-of word, there are plenty of writing apps to help you. But vetting those tools and determining which fit best with your writing style takes time. That's why we've done the heavy lifting for you. The following 15 writing tools help you brainstorm, research, write, and edit better and faster—and they're all free to use. Brainstorming Software Researching Software Writing Software Editing Software Tools for Brainstorming and Organizing Your Thoughts Sometimes, the hardest part of writing is figuring out what you want to write about. Other times, you know exactly what you want to write about, but your ideas are too disorganized to move forward. If you're struggling with either issue, these tools will help you brainstorm and organize your ideas, getting them out of your head and onto the screen. MindMeister (Web, iOS, Android) Best free writing s

The Best Screen Sharing Software in 2019

Screen sharing makes collaboration and support as visual and interactive as it would be in person. You can present a design, document, or website exactly as it displays on your screen—while it's happening—or virtually peer over the shoulder of a colleague to offer guidance. But it doesn't always feel like the revolutionary, location-defying technology that it is. "Can you see my screen yet?", you ask your silent meeting participants while scrambling to turn on Do Not Disturb before someone's Slack message pops up for everyone to see. That's why picking the right screen sharing software is so important. Apps for screen sharing come in a few different flavors. Some are part of broader video conferencing tools, while others are primarily intended for remote access or geared toward bare-bones simplicity. It's a varied category with a lot of choices to evaluate, but we've narrowed it down to the 13 best options for you to consider. What Makes for Great S

The Best Accounting Software in 2019

Accounting is a taboo word in some offices. And it makes sense why: We think of financial management as a complex beast. But as the days of paper ledgers and clunky spreadsheets fade away, things are changing. Accounting software simplifies the whole process. It often links directly to your business or bank accounts, and it can automate tedious tasks like invoice generation and payment tracking. Here, we'll present the 15 best accounting apps on the market for growing businesses. What Makes for Great Accounting Software? Accounting software ranges from basic invoice creation and expense-tracking to full-on tax preparation, advanced financial reporting, and inventory management. Which software you choose will depend on your business goals, but there are certain criteria you should always keep your eye out for. The best accounting apps offer, at the bare minimum, basic accounting and bookkeeping functions: invoice creation, expense tracking, record of banking transactions, and fi