Media training 101 for small businesses

Great news: you just scored a big press interview to promote your business. The story will expose your brand to the perfect new audience and drive meaningful traffic to your website. So…don't blow it. Yes, just as quickly as the excitement for the opportunity arrived, the realization that you now have to do an interview sets in. I get it—press interviews can absolutely be intimidating. The resulting coverage represents a significant opportunity to acquire new customers, drive sales, or raise awareness, and you want to be sure to represent your brand well and really compel the audience to check out your company. On top of that, you have to contend with adrenaline and nerves in the moment. You may be thinking, "So many other business owners are so polished and articulate in their interviews. How am I going to pull that off?" Deep breath. A successful interview is usually the result of good media training: preparation and practice in advance of an interview. I've tr

How to Force a Public Wi-Fi Network Login Page to Open

You open your laptop in an airport, at a coffee shop, or perhaps in your hotel or conference room. You sit down to work, select the correct Wi-Fi network, and … nothing. Your Wi-Fi icon may show it's connected, but your browser says You are not connected to the internet no matter how hard you try. That popover login screen just never loads.

We've all been there. As a remote team that often works from coworking spaces and coffee shops, we've wasted far more time than we'd like to admit trying to get online.

There's no magic button to connect to coffee shop, hotel, and airport Wi-Fi, but these tricks get us connected most of the time.

The Best Option: Connect to a Secure Network

Wi-Fi login
When possible, always opt for a secure network, often shown with a padlock

The typical problem with public Wi-Fi is the login screen not showing up. That's only a problem only with open, public, unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

If you connect to an open network at your friend's house, say, typically you won't need a password and can just start browsing the internet directly. With a coffee shop or airport Wi-Fi, though, often you need to create an account or enter a code from a receipt before browsing the full internet. You have to do that on a custom login screen, and that's what often just won't load.

The best solution is also the most secure one: Opt for only encrypted Wi-Fi connections. Typically shown with a padlock beside their name in your Wi-Fi menu, encrypted networks ask for a password in a standard dialog like the one above. Once you've entered the password, you'll typically never need to do it again on that device as your computer will remember it.

Secure Wi-Fi connections are always easier to log into, but they also add a security benefit. On a public Wi-Fi network, by default anything you enter on an unsecured, non-HTTPS site could be viewed by anyone else on the network. Encrypted networks with WPA2 passwords are far harder to attack and thus your data is likely safer.

Some networks offer both an encrypted and public network option, and you could log into either one. If so, choose the encrypted network.

No encrypted network available? These tips should help you get that pesky open network login screen to load.

1. Turn Off Alternative 3rd Party DNS Servers

DNS Settings
You might speed up your internet with a different DNS server—but not when connecting

If there's one other tip to remember, it's this—the trick that usually gets login pages to load:

Turn off your alternate DNS server.

DNS servers, or domain name servers, match domain names such as to its server's IP address—which makes it much easier to visit websites than typing in

If you don't know where to change your DNS settings, you're likely fine; your computer by default automatically picks up a DNS server from the Wi-Fi router, which is what the public Wi-Fi expects you to use automatically. And that's good, at least with public Wi-Fi: Your login page is more likely to load, and you won't need these tips.

If you've ever added Google DNS, OpenDNS, or any other alternative DNS to your network settings, though, that may be your problem. Many public Wi-Fi networks use their DNS server to tell your computer which login page to open—which doesn't work when you're using an alternative DNS server.

To fix that, just open your DNS settings and remove any alternate DNS servers. Here's how:

  • Mac: Open System Preferences, select Network, Advanced, and then click the DNS tab. Select any DNS servers listed, and then tap the - button to remove them and apply your changes.
  • Windows: Right-click your network icon in the system tray and select Open Network and Sharing Center. Click your connection name (typically Wi-Fi), select Properties, then click Internet Protocol Version 4 and select Properties again. There select Option an IP address automatically to use the default DNS servers.
  • iOS: Open Settings, select Wi-Fi, and tap the i button beside your network name. Tap the DNS field and delete any text there. In iOS 11 or newer, or on an Apple TV, select Configure DNS and tap Automatic to turn off 3rd party DNS quickly.
  • Android: Open Settings, select Wi-Fi, and long-press on your network name then tap Modify Network. There, delete any text in the DNS field.

With that done, turn off your Wi-Fi then turn it back on—and the login screen should open.

If not, you might need to clear the DNS cache on your computer. Here's how:

  • Windows: Open Command Prompt, and enter ipconfig /flushdns
  • Mac: Open Terminal, and enter sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Now re-connect to the Wi-Fi network, and it should work.

2. Try to Open the Router's Default Page

Gogo internet login screen
If you can guess the login page for your Wi-Fi network, sometimes you can get it to open.

Still not connected? It's time to try to force your browser to open the login page.

An easy trick is to load the router's default page. Try entering,,, or http://localhost in your browser address bar, and you might get the default login page to load (or, you might see a router settings login page—in which case, don't try to login unless you're at home).

network IP Address
You can find your router's IP address from the Network settings

If that doesn't work, open your network settings again, and note your computer's IP address as in the screenshot above. Try entering that IP address in your browser, replacing the last number with 1. Or, check the TCP/IP tab in your Network settings for the router's IP address if that doesn't work.

Or, if you're trying to connect to a company's public Wi-Fi network—perhaps Gogo internet on a flight or your cell carrier's Wi-Fi network in a mall—try opening that company's website. Most public Wi-Fi networks let you browse their company site without logging in, and they often have a link to their Wi-Fi login page. For instance, on a Delta flight, I opened and was able to view info about the trip and finally get the Wi-Fi login page to load.

3. Open a Non-HTTPS Site in Incognito
Sometimes you just need to try loading a new page

The problem could be that your browser cache is still trying to use the DNS info it knows to access sites, instead of loading the Wi-Fi login page. And sometimes you can break it out of that loop by visiting something new.

You could clear your browser cache, but that's annoying, and you'd have to log back into everything. Instead, open an Incognito window in your browser, which loads with a clean slate. Then try visiting a non-HTTPS site; is a great option as it's non-secured and maintained by ICANN.

Another good option is to manually visit the site your device tries to open in the background when connecting to new Wi-Fi networks. You may have noticed your device loading when connecting to Wi-Fi; you could go to that site directly to force your browser to test the connection. Here are the default pages, each of which works on any platform:

4. Create a New Network Location

network location
On Macs, a new network location gives you a clean networking start

On a Mac, there's another simple way to clear your network settings and likely get the login screen to load: a new network location. Network Locations store your network settings for different locations, perhaps to make your computer use a different DNS at home than at the office or for an easy way to change which networks you connect to by default.

Open your System Preferences and select Network again. Click the drop-down at the top, select Edit Locations, then click the + icon and add a new location. Select it, and then try to connect to the network you want.

Just remember to switch back to your default network location when you're back at your office or home.

5. Restart

Sometimes nothing works. In that case, do the one thing that typically fixes every electronic device: Restart.

  • Turn off your Wi-Fi, then turn it back on.
  • Didn't work? Try logging out of your account on your computer and then log back in—or just restart your computer.
  • Still stuck? Clear your browser cache.
  • That didn't work? Might be time to ask around and see if anyone else can use the internet. Perhaps that Wi-Fi connection is just down, or the router needs to be restarted.
network login screen
That evasive Wi-Fi login screen

With any luck, you should be able to get the Wi-Fi network screen to load and can get back to work—hopefully without trying everything in this list!

Stay Secure on Public Networks

TunnelBear VPN
A VPN (virtual private network) makes any network more secure (TunnelBear pictured)

You've gone to all that trouble to get connected to a Wi-Fi network—but don't stop there. If you're on a public Wi-Fi network, you should also use a VPN to encrypt your data and keep it secure from prying eyes. And, you may need to use a VPN to access your company's internal data and services.

For around $5-10 per month, you can get a VPN connection, typically with apps that make it easy to use on your computer and mobile devices. Services like TunnelBear, NordVPN, ExpressVPN, and others make it easy to use a VPN—and TunnelBear even offers 500MB of free data per month if you only work out of your office or home occasionally. Or you could set up a VPN server on your own hosting account or server using OpenVPN or a similar tool.

Either way, remember to turn on your VPN on whenever you're on public Wi-Fi—as soon as you've gotten past the login screen, at least. Free Wi-Fi is not worth losing your data.

Share Your Mobile Data

Share personal hotspot

There's another way to get online if public Wi-Fi isn't working: Your cell connection. If you have a data plan that supports it, all newer iOS and Android devices let you share your 4G or LTE connection over Wi-Fi. That way, you can make a private Wi-Fi network to connect any of your other devices. You can often do the same over Bluetooth or a USB cable if you only need to get your laptop online.

Here's how to make a personal hotspot from your smartphone with iOS and Android.

Bonus: Download a Wi-Fi Login Cheat Sheet

How to connect to airport wifi

Odds are you'll need these tips when you're offline and can't connect to the internet—which means you won't be able to re-open this page and refresh your memory about how to get your Wi-Fi to connect.

So, we made a free PDF cheat sheet for you. It includes all of this article's core tips in a quick PDF that you can save and share with your friends and colleagues.

Make sure to keep a copy of this How to Connect to Public Wi-Fi When You Can't PDF saved on your computer and phone so you'll have these tips the next time you need them.

Free Wi-Fi sign photo by Clarice Barbato-Dunn via Flickr.

Originally published January 16, 2017; updated September 21, 2017 and November 13, 2018 with a few extra tips.

from The Zapier Blog


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