Media training 101 for small businesses

Great news: you just scored a big press interview to promote your business. The story will expose your brand to the perfect new audience and drive meaningful traffic to your website. So…don't blow it. Yes, just as quickly as the excitement for the opportunity arrived, the realization that you now have to do an interview sets in. I get it—press interviews can absolutely be intimidating. The resulting coverage represents a significant opportunity to acquire new customers, drive sales, or raise awareness, and you want to be sure to represent your brand well and really compel the audience to check out your company. On top of that, you have to contend with adrenaline and nerves in the moment. You may be thinking, "So many other business owners are so polished and articulate in their interviews. How am I going to pull that off?" Deep breath. A successful interview is usually the result of good media training: preparation and practice in advance of an interview. I've tr

Instagram for Business: App of the day

Have you ever discovered a new shop or brand just by scrolling through your Instagram feed? You're not alone—more than a billion Instagram accounts worldwide are active each month, and 90 percent of them follow a business on the platform.

Whether you're a mom-and-pop shop, a solo entrepreneur, or a larger venture, this is the perfect time to step up your Instagram marketing game with an Instagram for Business account.

When you convert your regular Instagram account to a free Business profile, you essentially have the power of a storefront, right from your smartphone. Add information about your business, such as shop hours, location, and phone number to your account page. You can create and tag a post with products from your online store directly, so followers can easily purchase items that catch their eye.

You can also reach non-followers and turn them into potential customers with Instagram for Business. Your shopping posts can be shared on Instagram's Explore page, where users can find new accounts and content based on their interests. Promote specific posts or create ads in Stories to expand your reach.

And unlike personal accounts, Business profiles can get metrics on followers and how they interact with your content, so you can make smarter marketing decisions. Not a marketing genius? You can pick up tips and success stories to create visual content that delights followers and grows your business.

You can automate your business marketing with Zapier's Instagram for Business integrations. Here are a few popular Instagram for Business workflows to get you started.

from The Zapier Blog


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