Media training 101 for small businesses

Great news: you just scored a big press interview to promote your business. The story will expose your brand to the perfect new audience and drive meaningful traffic to your website. So…don't blow it. Yes, just as quickly as the excitement for the opportunity arrived, the realization that you now have to do an interview sets in. I get it—press interviews can absolutely be intimidating. The resulting coverage represents a significant opportunity to acquire new customers, drive sales, or raise awareness, and you want to be sure to represent your brand well and really compel the audience to check out your company. On top of that, you have to contend with adrenaline and nerves in the moment. You may be thinking, "So many other business owners are so polished and articulate in their interviews. How am I going to pull that off?" Deep breath. A successful interview is usually the result of good media training: preparation and practice in advance of an interview. I've tr

How to hide Google Meet and Google Chat in Gmail

Google would very much like you to consider using Google Meet for meetings and Google Chat for workplace chat. Maybe you've noticed their efforts: a bar at the bottom of Gmail on mobile, dedicated sections in the Gmail sidebar on desktop, and even a few pop-ups here and there.

The Gmail sidebar with Meet and Chat.

We like Google Meet and Google Chat. They're among the best video conferencing apps and best team chat apps, respectively. And if you're a Google loyalist, it's really helpful to have access to all of your tools in one place.

But lots of people use Gmail for email and other apps for video conferencing and chat. Those people won't love having this much screen real estate dedicated to tools they don't use. If that's you, here's how to hide Google Meet and Google Chat in Gmail.

Hide Google Meet and Chat in desktop Gmail

Click the gear icon toward the top-right. This will bring up the settings panel. Click See all settings.

More Settings in Gmail

Head to the Chat and Meet tab. You'll want to make sure Chat off and Hide the Meet section in the main menu are both selected, then click Save Changes.

Chat and Meet settings in Gmail

Your Gmail is now, once again, all about your email.

Gmail but clean

Hide Google Meet and Chat in mobile Gmail

To hide the Google Meet and Chat bar from the bottom of Gmail's mobile app, go to the settings for your specific Gmail account. Tap the three lines in the top-left corner, then tap Settings, then tap the email address you want to change this setting for.

Finding your settings in mobile Gmail

You'll find two options you need to disable: Chat & rooms and Meet.

Disabling Chat and Meet in mobile Gmail

Uncheck those, then repeat the process for all of your email addresses. The bar at the bottom of your inbox is now gone so you can focus on your emails. (Open all the ones from Deb at Zapier. They're pretty good.)

Connect Gmail with other apps

Not wanting to use Google Meet or Chat doesn't mean you don't want to integrate your apps with Gmail—it just means you don't use those two specific apps. If you want to integrate other apps directly from Gmail, you can.

Here at Zapier, we recently announced our Gmail add-on, which lets you do things like quickly send emails to Slack or your to-do list, all without leaving Gmail.

You can install the Zapier Gmail add-on now, or if you're looking for something different, check out other ways to automate Gmail.

from The Zapier Blog


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