
Showing posts from September, 2020

Media training 101 for small businesses

Great news: you just scored a big press interview to promote your business. The story will expose your brand to the perfect new audience and drive meaningful traffic to your website. So…don't blow it. Yes, just as quickly as the excitement for the opportunity arrived, the realization that you now have to do an interview sets in. I get it—press interviews can absolutely be intimidating. The resulting coverage represents a significant opportunity to acquire new customers, drive sales, or raise awareness, and you want to be sure to represent your brand well and really compel the audience to check out your company. On top of that, you have to contend with adrenaline and nerves in the moment. You may be thinking, "So many other business owners are so polished and articulate in their interviews. How am I going to pull that off?" Deep breath. A successful interview is usually the result of good media training: preparation and practice in advance of an interview. I've tr

What's the difference between the Wiki and OneNote tabs in Microsoft Teams?

It's easy, in a team chat app, for key points to get lost in the ongoing flow of conversation. That's why every channel in Microsoft Teams has a Wiki page, where you can store things like meeting notes or outline the current state of a project. You can also add a OneNote tab to every channel for similar purposes. The Wiki and OneNote tab are pretty overlapping features, so you might be wondering which one you should use. My answer, unhelpfully, is "it depends." Here's a quick overview: The Wiki is fast and simple but only works inside Teams. OneNote offers more features and can be used outside Teams. My advice: if the Wiki works for you, that's great. Use it. If you want more out of your note-taking, and the ability to reference notes outside of Teams, use OneNote. Let's go over both features with more detail, so you can choose the tool that works for you. The Wiki is fast and functional—but only exists in Teams You can probably find the Wiki in

6 Microsoft Teams features Zoom doesn't have

Two years ago, I didn't know what Zoom was. Now, it's where we all spend a good chunk of our time. Microsoft, which owns Skype, noticed. They wanted in on the enterprise video conferencing market—and adding a bunch of video conferencing features to Microsoft Teams is their attempt to get in. Teams is mostly a Slack alternative, but it's also meant to replace Skype for Business, which up until recently was Microsoft's corporate video conferencing service. Perhaps because of Skype's legacy, Teams includes a bunch of video features that Zoom doesn't. There are real-time captions, built-in meeting notes, and a truly bizarre feature where you can pretend you're in the same room as your coworkers. To be clear: we love Zoom here at Zapier and use it multiple times a day. That doesn't mean other apps aren't offering anything interesting, and Microsoft in particular is trying a bunch of new things in the space. Here are a few highlights. Built-in meeting

Slack: App of the day

Want to learn more about how Slack and Zapier are bringing the power of automation to your favorite chat app? Join us on October 7-8 at Frontiers, Slack's biggest streaming event, where our very own Ryan Powell will present on using Zapier and Slack together. Register today! If you've ever missed an important email that just got buried in your inbox, you've probably asked the sender to cut you a little slack. But why ask for slack when you can, well, use Slack instead? Slack is a platform for team communication. Instead of bouncing between a video conferencing tool, a chat app, and your email inbox, you can find everything in one place with Slack. The app is instantly searchable and available wherever you go, and it offers all the communication tools modern teams need. In addition to the app's main feature—team chat—you can also use it for audio calls or virtual facetime. You can view and join any public channel or create your own if there's no existing one th

How Tamagotchis and TI-89s launched lifelong careers in tech

You might have a picture in your head of a standard career path into tech. Maybe it involves studying computer science, or putting on a black hoodie and teaching yourself how to code in a room lit entirely by Matrix screensavers. The real stories, in my experience, are a lot more human than that. I recently met Mary Albright, whose tech origin story involved playing with Neopets as a kid before using Zapier to manage her international high fashion modeling career . Today she works as a developer. It made me wonder about other origin stories, so I asked Twitter how people ended up in tech. I heard stories about everything from MySpace to the TI-83 calculator: seemingly insignificant things that sparked curiosity—and led to careers. From replacing Tamagotchi batteries to teaching the web how to fix stuff Kay-Kay Clapp is the head of content at iFixit , which is the place to go if you want to learn how to fix your phone, computer, or just about anything else. Kay-Kay spends a good ch

How to automate your tasks in TickTick

Checking items off your to-do list is a satisfying feeling, whether you're at work or at home. It can be difficult to keep that list under control when tasks come from various places. Like the notes you took in a meeting, your team chat program, or your email inbox. Task management apps like TickTick make it so you spend more time doing the task, rather than organizing your list. But who hasn't had the panicked moment when you realize you forgot to put something on your to-do list? Zapier eliminates that through our automatic workflows, which we call Zaps. These workflows let you connect your apps, so you can spend less time manually putting tasks into TickTick and instead focus on getting things done. We've rounded up a few popular Zap templates—what we call our pre-made workflows—to help you keep your tasks organized. To get started with a Zap template, just click on it, and we'll guide you through the set-up process. It only takes a few minutes. You can read mor

5 ways to automate business operations in HubSpot

HubSpot is a popular customer relationship manager for small businesses. It's free to start, and with features like form builders, meeting scheduling, and deal tracking, it can handle many tasks critical to keeping a small business running smoothly. With that said, HubSpot already has a large marketplace of integrations with other apps, so you can ensure important information for your business will be in one place. The marketplace doesn't cover every app, and that's where Zapier comes in. Zapier helps you connect web apps through our automated workflows, which we call Zaps. That means you spend less time copying and pasting information into HubSpot and spend more time focusing on your work. HubSpot users turn to Zapier for help capturing new leads, updating contacts, tracking service requests, and more. We've collected popular Zap templates—what we call a pre-made workflow—to help you get started. Click on the Use this Zap button and we'll guide you through th

5 ways to automate your WooCommerce store

Though eCommerce apps like WooCommerce make it easy to open your own shop, it's still a lot of work to manage orders and keep business running smoothly. You need to get your products in front of customers, keep track of sales, ship orders (if you're selling physical goods), and of course, keep up with your financial records. And if you're a micro-business, you're probably doing your own marketing as well. Before you break out into a nervous sweat, there's a way to automate some of these tasks. You're likely using a bunch of different apps to manage your WooCommerce storefront, but that's where Zapier can help. We connect your web apps to automate routine tasks through our automatic workflows, which we call Zaps. Whether you're having trouble with record-keeping, promoting your store on social media, or just managing orders, we likely have a way to automate it. This article includes Zap templates—pre-made workflows to help you get started—just click o App of the day is a drip email app that helps B2B companies directly contact prospective clients. Learn more and how to automate it with Zapier. Looking to drill down into your drip email performance? Have we found an app for you: (See what we did there?) is a drip email app that helps B2B companies directly contact prospective clients. You can use to send personalized sales emails and follow-ups automatically—but one at a time—from your mailbox. With, you can contact an unlimited number of prospects daily with personalized cold emails. This outreach can help you grow your predictable revenue—and it lets you nurture your inbound leads more personally to build valuable client relationships. Where really shines, however, is its ability to watch your inbox for replies. If you get a response, the app will automatically stop sending further follow-ups. The app will also detect replies from a different email address

The BlackTies: Making magic with automation

Running a successful business is magic in its own right. But managing leads and updating spreadsheets wasn't the kind of magic The BlackTies, a Sydney magician group, wanted to be doing. "I love to entertain and express my creativity, which means I hate sitting down and doing mundane tasks," Scott said. "I was very surprised how Zapier allowed me to understand everything very simply in the editor. From the first moment, I knew exactly what each button does, and how things connect. It really is like coding but without any coding knowledge!" From a humble start in 2015, cold-calling event organizers and begging for the chance to perform, the group has grown to perform at more than 300 events a year. They didn't see this growth on skill alone. They had spent hours practicing card tricks, coin tricks, and psychological mind-reading, and they were ready to turn magic into a profession, positioning themselves as full-time entertainers specializing in big corpo

Give your video brain a break: Join Zoom by phone

Everyone keeps telling me to go outside! take a walk! get some fresh air! But here's the thing: I like being inside. I like sitting. I'm perfectly happy opening a window for my daily dose of fresh air. Leaving the house (!) for a walk is not the kind of break I want. If I'm going to take a mid-day break, it'll be to watch reruns of The Office or do a crossword puzzle. But it turns out being outside and walking and fresh air are good for you. So, what to do? Instead of walking as a break , I killed two birds with one stone: I called in to a meeting while walking. It's not a novel idea: walk-and-talks are common for in-person meetings. But when you work remotely, that goes out the window—or at least it seems to. I suggest trying it. Here's why, and how. If you spend enough time on Zoom, you'll want to get to know the settings. Here are 10 tips and tricks for Zoom to help you get the most from the app. Why you should dial in to Zoom from your phone There

How to add new Stripe customers to Mailchimp lists

These days, keeping in contact with your customers digitally is a must. Not only can you send them receipts and other important account info, you can establish a genuine connection by asking for feedback and giving exclusive access to promotions and sales. By using Stripe, you can get access to your customer's email address. Don't just let that customer data stay in Stripe. Instead, pass that info into Mailchimp so you can easily stay in touch. In case you're unfamiliar, Stripe offers financial SaaS for businesses that need payment processing through APIs. You might use Stripe if you sell things online. Mailchimp is best known for their email marketing automation services, but in their nearly 20 years of existence, they've also expanded to become a full-fledged marketing platform. Together, Stripe and Mailchimp can be used to create an automated email marketing list from your Stripe customers. With this integration, every time you get a new customer in Stripe, thei

How to use LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms to get qualified leads

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms have become a critical piece of B2B marketing campaigns. And for good reason: They're easy to set up. They allow for self-serve micro-targeting of more than 600 million users. And—thanks to pre-filled data—they tend to convert well. What's not to love? But before you run over to LinkedIn and mash that Advertise button, we should talk. LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms are a great marketing tool, but they're not foolproof. In fact, if you set up your campaign the wrong way, you're probably not going to see ROI. (Since everything has to be jargon, that's ROAS , or return on ad spend.) In this post, we're going to break down some best practices for LinkedIn lead generation strategy. We'll cover campaign setup and creative, then dive into tips and tricks for maximizing the value of your leads. LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms: The basics In traditional native ads, a user heads to a landing page after clicking a call-to-action. With LinkedIn Lead Gen

Demio: App of the day

If you want to host an event in 2020, webinars are just about your only option. While they're often not a perfect substitute for an in-person event, they can come pretty close. So it's worth choosing a tool that makes your webinars easy to join and enjoy—and even easier to host. Demio is a simple way to host live Q&A sessions, workshops, online trainings, and more—right from Google Chrome. Hosting a webinar is as easy as clicking the green Add new event button . Demio will ask for three things to get started: Your event title, the event description, and the first date of your scheduled webinar. All these details can be copied from past events, which are listed in your Demio dashboard. Once you've filled in your event details, just click Continue to create the event. Demio can also help you find and attract webinar attendees. Simply select the Advanced drop-down menu to see a list of features you can use to promote your webinar. For instance, the Registrations featu

Front: App of the day

When your team is working from a shared inbox, things can get messy, fast. Emails can often end up in the wrong inbox, sent to the wrong person, or worse—lost in the shuffle. If you mainly interact with customers via email, this is the kind of nightmare Front can solve. Front is a collaborative tool that allows you to create shared inboxes where email, social media messages, SMS, and other communications all live in one place. Sounds chaotic? In Front, you can create rules to automatically sort new messages and route them to the right person. Instead of forwarding messages to a teammate, Front enables you to assign messages to a person. Find yourself sending the same email over and over? Use a canned response to save time, and customize the parts you need to send a personalized message without the extra work. It's easy to collaborate in Front. All you have to do is mention teammates in email threads so they can see information and chat internally. Need help composing a tricky e

Zapier's Apps at Work Report: The Fastest Growing Apps of 2020

The world changed for everyone in March—including small businesses. Social distancing policies meant many businesses needed to pivot to online or grow their online market in order to survive. Zapier customers are overwhelmingly small businesses who use our automation platform to connect all the apps they use. This gives us unique insights into what tools small businesses are relying on, and the data is clear: businesses are adjusting to an unprecedented situation by finding new apps and automating them. Here are the 25+ apps with the fastest growth on Zapier over the past year, followed by some analysis. Methodology: Since 2016, Zapier has published annual reports about the fastest growing apps on our platform. Zapier's Apps at Work: Fastest Growing Apps 2020 Report focuses on growth among apps on Zapier’s platform between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. To be eligible, apps must have an active, public Zapier integration and are weighed using Zapier's proprietary algorithm.

How to add Stripe sales as new rows in Google Sheets

Manually logging Stripe transactions is not only tedious, it's also error-prone. Don't worry, automating your bookkeeping—taking those tasks off your plate while reducing errors—is easy. Stripe offers financial SaaS for businesses that need payment processing through APIs. You might use Stripe if you sell things online. Google Sheets is cloud-based spreadsheet software and Google's answer to Excel. Together, Stripe and Google Sheets can be used to automatically log transactions made in Stripe for further analysis. To get this integration working, all you need is a Stripe account and a Google account with access to Google Sheets. These are the steps involved: Set up your Google Sheet, making sure your columns are labeled to match the data you want to track from Stripe. Set up your Stripe trigger step in Zapier. Set up your Google Sheets action step in Zapier. Turn on your Zap. Set up your Google Sheet Before you get started, we recommend you set up the Google Sh