Media training 101 for small businesses

Great news: you just scored a big press interview to promote your business. The story will expose your brand to the perfect new audience and drive meaningful traffic to your website. So…don't blow it. Yes, just as quickly as the excitement for the opportunity arrived, the realization that you now have to do an interview sets in. I get it—press interviews can absolutely be intimidating. The resulting coverage represents a significant opportunity to acquire new customers, drive sales, or raise awareness, and you want to be sure to represent your brand well and really compel the audience to check out your company. On top of that, you have to contend with adrenaline and nerves in the moment. You may be thinking, "So many other business owners are so polished and articulate in their interviews. How am I going to pull that off?" Deep breath. A successful interview is usually the result of good media training: preparation and practice in advance of an interview. I've tr

ClickUp users love Zapier. Here's why.

2020 was the year of remote everything. An alphabet soup of apps entered the public lexicon as social distancing policies forced everyone to pivot to remote—and attempt to keep living and working.

At Zapier, we pay attention to this stuff. We're an automation platform that connects web apps, so when our users—many of whom run or work for small businesses—are turning to a specific tool, we take notice.

ClickUp, a productivity platform, topped our annual Apps at Work report. It promises to be "the one app to replace them all" to handle task management, documents, and collaboration.

Why ClickUp?

Any project is bound to use multiple types of documents in order to manage things. For example, you might have a master task list, a Kanban board to track project phases, a calendar to track deadlines, and a few documents to jot down ideas.

ClickUp combines all of that into one app. Comment on individual tasks with teammates, create dashboards to get a visual on project progress, and you can even track goals and workloads per user.

ClickUp walks users through the app's main functions through its main task list.

For small businesses that can't afford multiple premium app subscriptions, ClickUp is one option to keep projects organized.

Popular ways to automate ClickUp

While ClickUp combines quite a few features from other apps, you'll still have to rely on other tools for things like scheduling calls or collecting leads.

With a few Zaps—our automated workflows—you can send information from those other apps into ClickUp (or any other app we support), so you can stop worrying about copying and pasting emails into tasks and focus on moving that project to completion.

ClickUp users who automate tasks with Zapier tend to use Zaps to follow up on leads, extract tasks from communications, and more.

We've gathered a few Zap templates—our pre-made workflows—to get you started. Click on any template and we'll guide you through the set-up process. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Manage tasks in one place

Tasks often come up in conversations. For example, your manager may request something in a chat message, or you promise to follow up on a client's question in an email. These automated workflows will add your messages from email or team chat to ClickUp as tasks, so you're staying on top of those requests along with your daily work.

Follow up on leads

When a person expresses interest in your product or service, you want to follow up quickly so you don't lose that sale. Forms often run in the background. You can turn on notification settings in your form app, but it's really easy to ignore those messages when they start to pile up.

These Zaps will turn your form submissions into ClickUp tasks so you can prioritize your leads.

If your team sets certain criteria for what makes a qualified lead, you can use a filter step—available on our paid plans—so you're only taking acting on people who are most likely to give you their business.

Stay on top of projects

While ClickUp is great for general project and task management, if you work in customer support or software development, you're probably using another app to handle feature requests, bug reports, and other issues.

These Zaps will turn those requests into ClickUp tasks, so you can prioritize work in one place.

Plan for meetings

A potential client's booked a meeting with you? Great! Now you need to prepare for it. These automated workflows will create ClickUp tasks for new meetings, so you'll always be prepared—even for those last-minute bookings.

Track your tasks

At a time where every day feels like a century, it's hard to remember what you've accomplished in a day, let alone a week. If you're struggling to figure out the tasks you've completed at any given time, these Zaps will add completed ClickUp tasks to your favorite spreadsheet app. You'll never have task amnesia again.

Move tasks to your favorite app

Your team might track project progress in ClickUp, but what if you already use another task management app to help you manage your work? Instead of copying tasks between apps, these Zaps will add new ClickUp tasks to your favorite to-do app, keeping priorities in one place.

With so many companies used to remote work, it's likely here to stay—as is the need to make it as pain-free as possible for businesses and employees. Whether you've got your app collection on lock or you're still searching for the right tool, consider some ways automation can improve your work.

Use Zapier to automatically send tasks to ClickUp from email, team chat, calendars, and more. Customize workflows just for your business.

from The Zapier Blog


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