Media training 101 for small businesses

Great news: you just scored a big press interview to promote your business. The story will expose your brand to the perfect new audience and drive meaningful traffic to your website. So…don't blow it. Yes, just as quickly as the excitement for the opportunity arrived, the realization that you now have to do an interview sets in. I get it—press interviews can absolutely be intimidating. The resulting coverage represents a significant opportunity to acquire new customers, drive sales, or raise awareness, and you want to be sure to represent your brand well and really compel the audience to check out your company. On top of that, you have to contend with adrenaline and nerves in the moment. You may be thinking, "So many other business owners are so polished and articulate in their interviews. How am I going to pull that off?" Deep breath. A successful interview is usually the result of good media training: preparation and practice in advance of an interview. I've tr

TickTick: App of the day

There are few things more satisfying than crossing items off your to-do list. But TickTick somehow takes that feeling to the next level.

With most task management apps, you tend to spend more time managing your task list than doing the actual tasks. TickTick cuts out some of that manual management.

Along with adding tasks manually, you can also turn emails into tasks. Always on the go? Add tasks through voice, Siri, or Quick Ball. And once you add a task with a due date, TickTick will automatically add a reminder for you.

Need extra prodding to check those items off your to-do list? You can add multiple reminders, or enable "annoying alert" in TickTick to get constant reminders for tasks you tend to put off. You can also add location-based reminders, so you don't forget to pick up that one item from the store.

While most task management apps primarily focus on adding and checking off tasks, TickTick focuses on the act of getting the task done. With a built-in Pomodoro timer, TickTick helps you stay focused on the work that needs to be done.

Whether you use TickTick for work or personal matters, the app comes baked with organizational features such as folders and lists, so you never mix up your priorities. TickTick also understands different people prioritize differently. See your tasks based on due date, priority, or make your own custom smart lists so you can prioritize as you see fit.

Are you the visual type? With TickTick's calendar views, you can see your tasks on a weekly or monthly basis. You can also subscribe to other calendars, such as your work or personal calendars, so you can see everything in one place.

The best part? You can collaborate with anyone, from any device. With TickTick, you'll spend less time organizing tasks and more time checking off your list. And that's pretty satisfying.

You can automate your task management with Zapier's TickTick integrations. Here are a few popular workflows to get you started.

from The Zapier Blog


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